Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) and Possible Threat To Human Health


Genetically modified organism (GMO) also called genetically engineered (GE) or transgenic organisms are produced in the laboratory by taking a gene or DNA from one species and inserting it into the genome of another unrelated species.1 Genetically modified organisms can include animals and bacteria, but more often they are food crops. By altering the genomes of important food plants, scientists hope this would result in crops that exhibit greater resistance to the large amounts of lethal pesticides and herbicides that are sprayed on agricultural crops to control animal pests and weeds. They also expect these organisms to reduce the production cost to the farmers by creating greater resistance to diseases, bugs, and adverse environmental conditions like drought, or frost and increase in the yield of the crops. All this was supposed to translate into a reduction in world hunger and less expensive products for the consumers.

There are many people, however, who would question the reality of such benefits, while others are becoming increasingly concerned about the adverse effects of GMO on human health and the environment. Some of these health risks include potential damaged to internal organs, digestive distress, immune system failure,1 increase in allergic response from exposure to different allergens, and greater resistance to antibiotics,2  which is already a burgeoning problem to health care providers worldwide. Other risks include the consumption of more fruits and vegetables with greater levels of herbicides because GM foods contain higher residues of toxic herbicides due to the “overuse of chemicals such as Roundup that result in “superweeds,” resistant to the herbicide.”1, 2, 3

The list of GMOs in our food supply is growing and so far the list includes: beets, corn, rapeseed to produce canola oil, papaya from Hawaii, soy or soya, green zucchini, yellow and butternut squashes, plums, cotton, and cottonseed oil2 along with all the products that are derived from these plants. The sad truth is, these are just the ones we know of, which makes it even more important for you to buy certified organic fruits and vegetables that are non-GMO. Other organisms scheduled to become GMOs include apples, rice, potatoes, Coho salmon, and tobacco. Currently, work is on the way to introduce edible vaccines in potatoes and lettuce to control the spread of certain diseases in third world countries.2 

To safeguard our food supplies and protect people, it would be advisable for farmers to buy only non-GMO seeds from reputable suppliers or produce their own seeds from the non-GMO crops they grow. In addition, they must become proactive and be educated about the potential dangers of GMO crops to humans and the environment and refuse to wait on government organizations to provide such information. In addition, farmers and non-farmers alike are going to have to be committed to reducing the amount of pesticides and herbicides they use, especially the use of roundup herbicide (made by the Monsanto company. This company also produces and sells the majority of the genetically engineered seeds worldwide). And they are going to have to look for natural and safe alternatives to controlling plant pests and diseases, perhaps a return to some of the old farming practices like taking cow manure for fertilizer in this day and age when the safety our food supply is being threatened would not be such a bad idea. Finally, consumers need to become good at reading food labels and refuse to buy potential GM foods because the truth is, the power is in the consumer’s hand.  

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