Inflammation and Its Connection To Diseases


Inflammation connection to diseases1

It is now well established that persistent low-grade inflammation in the body is a major underlying factor for diseases2 like cancer,3 arteriosclerosis, heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular complications, arthritis, and other chronic conditions. What is inflammation? Inflammation is a normal reaction by the body in response to a host of factors such as infections by viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms; injury or trauma to tissue like a cut; toxic chemicals and other environmental pollutants, and harmful substances in the food we eat. It is a vital part of the body’s natural immune response to bring about healing when confronted with these factors, and without it harmful chemicals and deadly pathogens that cause infections would quickly spread throughout the body. In essence, inflammation is the body’s natural answer to stopping infection in its track.

During the inflammatory response, the site of injury usually becomes red and warm as more blood rushes to the site to bring vital nutrients, oxygen, and other substances needed for repair. In addition, swelling and pain occur because the blood vessels nearby become leaky, releasing fluid at the site of infection to clear the foreign object.

As important as this inflammatory response may be to the survival of the individual it can also turn deadly if it is not “turned off, but allowed to continue unchecked beneath the surface. This is exactly what seems to be happening in the case of many of the lifestyle related diseases like obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases that often result from the bombardment of the body by toxic chemicals and other environmental pollutants, poor food choices, and a sedentary lifestyle. These things seem to be fanning the flames of inflammation in the body. However, many of the eating tips I will give on this website will focus on an abundance of fresh, organically produced vegetables and fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, healthy fats and oils, healthy animal proteins as well as spices, herbs, and vitamins. These are meant to strengthen the body’s natural immune defenses, neutral free radicals, clear the body of toxic chemicals, improve the body’s response to glucose and insulin, and reduce the levels of certain molecules that can trigger inflammation and cause it to continue long after the body’s natural immune response to a foreign invader has ended. My expectation is that you will put into practice these recommendations so that you may improve your chances of escaping the lifestyle-related diseases and conditions that are so prevalent in our world today. 

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