Kidney Health: How To Maintain The Health of Your Kidneys For A Lifetime

cont_tdmqs1_2281-e1413588605593The main organ of excretion. There are two bean-shaped kidneys 1,2 located on either side of the body in the abdominal wall. The average weight of an adult kidney is about 150 grams or 5 ounces—about the size of a large bar of soap. Responsible for the production of urine; eliminate the metabolic by-products of cellular respiration, and maintains the internal balance of water, salt, glucose, and other solutes, hormones, proteins, and electrolytes. The kidneys are also involved in the regulation of blood pressure; the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow, and for proper metabolism of vitamin D. The functional units of the kidney are the nephrons, which filter the blood. Several liters of blood a day pass through the kidneys to be filtered. Proper nutrition, balanced salt-potassium intake, coupled with adequate exercise, and rest are important factors that help keep the kidneys healthy.

  1. Drink an adequate amount of filtered water. As a rule, drink about half your body weight in ounces of filtered water a day.
  2. Drink cranberry juice(3,4), especially if there is an infection. Avoid the commercially produced ones because they are often high in sugar Instead, you can easily make the juice yourself using fresh or frozen cranberries. Just place a pack of fresh or frozen cranberries in a clean container and add a couple of cloves, some turmeric, ginger, and fresh aloe vera if you can get it. Boil several pints of filtered water and add to the cranberry mixture; let the mixture sit until warm, and then blend and strain the mixture. Place in a clean container; refrigerate and drink as needed. A small amount of healthy sweeteners like raw honey or stevia extract can be added if it is too tart.
  3. Drink sour sorrel tea (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) to help protect the kidneys from kidney disease as studies demonstrate that the antioxidant effects(5,6) of the polyphenols in sorrel can protect the nephrons in the kidney.
  4. Drink natural coconut water for overall healthy kidney functions.
  5. Eat fresh fruits like bananas, cantaloupe, pineapples, papayas, and watermelon or drink natural watermelon juice. Eat citrus fruits in very small amounts if you are having a problem with kidney stones because fruits high in vitamin C can contribute to stone formation if taken in large amounts daily.
  6. Eat parsley, preferably fresh, or brew up some tea.
  7. Eat fresh garlic on a regular basis, especially if there is an infection, stones, or another kidney disease because garlic has diuretic properties that will increase the production and flow of urine to help clear the kidneys.
  8. Eat a fresh green salad on most days using dark green or red lettuce leaves not, ice burg, and include some parsley, watercress, sweet bell peppers, grated carrots, and avocados. This help to keep toxic waste products moving through and out of your system so that your kidneys do not have to be overworked trying to get rid of excess toxin build-up in the blood.
  9. Eat a wide variety of vegetables, especially leafy and dark green vegetables, cabbages, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and other cruciferous vegetables, green beans, pumpkins, and carrots for instance.
  10. Eat flaxseeds, chia seeds, flaxseed oil , r borage oil to get omega-3 fatty acid ALA and mucilaginous fiber from a plant source.
  11. Eat properly prepared whole-grain foods such as quinoa, millet, and brown rice (contains phosphorous that helps to keep the body’s acid and bases in balance, which will help the kidney to work properly). Include some old fashion rolled or steel-cut oats, legumes like lentils of all varieties, and whole-grain bread such as Ezekiel bread.
  12. Use extra virgin olive (Note: Extra virgin olive oil provides maximum health benefits to the body when it is used in the food after cooking because its health-promoting substances can be destroyed by high heat), avocado oil, coconut oil, and organic butter from grass-fed or free-range animals in the preparation of your food, and avoid all processed vegetable/seed oils like sunflower, soybean, corn, or cottonseed for instance that offer an overabundance of polyunsaturated omega-6 oils. Some experts believe these types of oils may be contributing to the epidemic of many age-related, chronic conditions we see today.78, 9In addition, avoid the use of margarine or other spreads that are often high in unhealthy hydrogenated oils or trans fat.
  13. Eat cold-water fish such as wild salmon, sardines, mackerel, tuna, herring, cod, and trout for instance. These fish are high in good omega-3 fatty acids—EPA and DHA which affect kidney function indirectly by affecting blood pressure. Just avoid all shellfish including lobsters, crabs, etc, sharks, and all other fish without scales (10).
  14. If you eat meat, eat only lean meats (chicken, beef, lamb, goat, and organ meats like liver and heart) from naturally raised, grass-fed, or free-range animals but still watch your intake. Limit all pork and pork products, processed meats like burger meat, canned meat, hot dogs, etc, and all imitation “meats,” including soy-based and seafood ones.
  15. If you consume dairy products, eat only natural, organic, or other high-quality dairy and fermented products such as kefir or yogurt but limit those with added sugar and artificial sweeteners, flavorings, or coloring. Avoid all processed cheeses and dairy substitutes such as soy milk, rice milk, flavored “milk” beverages, and ice cream. Limit the use of all evaporated milk and other types of shelf milk, especially those that have vegetable oils added to them. Get milk from goats, sheep, or cows that are raised naturally without antibiotics or hormones, preferably from a local farmer who raises grass-fed animals. If you cannot get milk where you live from local sources, buy organic milk from the grocery store. Many people who are lactose intolerant, find it easier to digest goat’s milk better than cow’s milk. In fact, goat’s milk is used by more people worldwide11  than cow’s milk. Do not drink or use any other kind of grocery store milk. The milk that comes from non-grass-fed animals is loaded with antibiotics and hormones that are leading to various types of hormone-related issues in both sexes.1213 Note: A good snack is plain yogurt with a small amount of raw honey, unrefined coconut oil, cinnamon, or natural fruits can be added.
  16. Eliminate or limit your intake of all chemically processed foods such as soft drinks, fast foods, especially fried foods, pizzas, and packaged meat pies; white flour-based products such as white bread, white pasta, pastries with glazes, cream, and “fruit” filled centers, boxed cakes, sugary cereals, and other unnatural snacks foods. These foods are often high in unhealthy trans or hydrogenated fats, artificial coloring, flavorings, sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), and chemical preservatives like butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), Tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), sodium benzoate, etc., which affect your overall health in a negative way.
  17. Drink filtered water, natural coconut water with no added sugar, green superfood juice, herbal teas, or squeeze your own vegetable or fruit juice. If you do drink store-bought fruit juices make sure it is real or 100% fruit juice with no added sugar, coloring, or flavoring. Limit the intake of caffeinated or carbonated sodas, soft drinks, packaged drink mixes, sugary “fruit” drinks, alcoholic beverages, and coffee.
  18. Use only raw honey, and unrefined dark brown sugar but small amounts at a time or use a natural sweetener like stevia extract. Restrict the use of white sugar and all artificial sweeteners in your diet.
  19. Use only natural or unrefined sea salt but make sure the salt contains iodine because it is a necessary nutrient. Eliminate the regular table salt and salt seasonings from your diet because they contain unnatural substances besides sodium and iodine. Use lots of fresh, local herbs to impart great flavor to your food.


  1. Burdock
  2. Alfalfa
  3. Dandelion
  4. Parsley


  1. Bromelain capsules
  2.  Biotic silver (if there is an infection. Used as directed on the bottle).
  3. Calcium magnesium supplement
  4. Carnitine
  5. Now Food Kidney Cleanse, 90 Veggie Caps
  6. Premium Kidney Support with cranberry extract
  7. Kidney cleanse
  8. Kidneys and Urinary Tract Support Formula
  9. Cranberry (capsules, tea or juice (pure, no added sugar).
  10. Enzyme capsules or powder
  11. Green superfood blend powder. If you do not get enough dark green and leafy vegetables in your diet on a regular basis, make a drink from the green food blend several times a week to provide your body with the required nutrients.
  12. Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (sorrel) extract or tea
  13. Liquid chlorophyll
  14. Oregano oil if there is an infection
  15. Quercetin
  16. Raw apple cider vinegar (Bragg’s, Eden Organics, or Jarrow’s brand)
  17. Spirulina 
  18. Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
  19. Vitamin B complex


Focus on eating fresh, organically grown vegetables and fruits. If you are having problems with kidney stones(14) limit foods that can contribute to high oxalate content such as citrus fruits, spinach, beets, nuts, and nut butter like peanut butter, French fries, and potato chips because oxalate build-up can lead to kidney stone formation. If you consume these foods, do so only in small amounts and include some low-fat dairy for calcium(15) which will help to bind excess oxalate in the intestines and prevent its absorption. For example, eat a spinach omelet with some healthy cheese. Limit or eliminate canned products like tomatoes and pickles, spicy foods, caffeine, chocolate candies, alcohol, processed or cured meats such as hot dogs, sausages and cold cuts that contain unnatural chemical preservatives like nitrites as these will further aggravate an existing problem or impair overall kidney function.

Consider removing red meat from your diet or limit it to the suggestions given above if you are having problems with kidney stones because large amounts of proteins in your diet can increase uric acid levels, which can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Watch your salt intake. If you have kidney stones, drink a glass of warm, filtered water with 1 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar upon rising to help dissolve the stones and eliminate it from the body. Finally, if you are taking some kind of diuretic for kidney problems, make sure to eat adequate amounts of dark green and leafy vegetables that will naturally supply sufficient electrolytes such as sodium and potassium to replace their loss in urine because they are very important to the overall proper function of the body, including the kidneys.

 (2) Marieb, Elaine. N., R.N., Ph.D. Human Anatomy and Physiology, third edition.Redwood City, California: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., 1995.

Kidney Care

2 thoughts on “Kidney Health: How To Maintain The Health of Your Kidneys For A Lifetime

    • Hi if you have a kidney infection there’s usually blood or pus in your urine, frequent urination and groin pain. You should see a doctor ASAP to treat a kidney infection because it’s serious.


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