Medicinal Properties of Plant Compounds

For thousands of years, more people worldwide have been relying on herbal remedies to treat a variety of ailments with remarkable results. In fact, research shows not less than 80% or over 4 billion of the world’s population, rely solely on plants to provide medicines, and in “the developing world, herbal medicinal products are a primary source of healthcare and…

Inflammation and Its Connection To Diseases

Inflammation connection to diseases1 It is now well established that persistent low-grade inflammation in the body is a major underlying factor for diseases2 like cancer,3 arteriosclerosis, heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular complications, arthritis, and other chronic conditions. What is inflammation? Inflammation is a normal reaction by the body in response to a host of factors such as…

Synthetic Foods! Buyers Beware

As we look at what has happened across the Unites States in regards to the food supply, we can see that a large number of people have departed from eating natural foods. They have succumbed to eating high–fat foods containing soybean oil and other unhealthy vegetable oils; large amounts of unhealthy hydrogenated and trans-fats found in products like margarine, other spreads,…

Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) and Possible Threat To Human Health

Genetically modified organism (GMO) also called genetically engineered (GE) or transgenic organisms are produced in the laboratory by taking a gene or DNA from one species and inserting it into the genome of another unrelated species.1 Genetically modified organisms can include animals and bacteria, but more often they are food crops. By altering the genomes of important food plants, scientists…

Food Addiction

We often hear of addictions to drugs, sex, alcohol, gambling, and on and on the list goes. But, how many of us are willing to admit that we may have an unhealthy relationship with food. After all, food is a requirement for our survival and it is such an integral part of our culture and social…

Make A Change In Your Thinking Right Where You Are

I firmly believe that anyone, anywhere, regardless of their circumstances in life can begin to make the right choices where they are and see positive changes take place in their lives. Change , however, always begins in the mind, and until you change your mindset you cannot realize lasting change in any area of your life. Oftentimes, the battleground…