How Confused Are You About Health Information?

In today’s world of information technology, everyone can have a voice. This can be good and bad at the same time. It is good because we have access to large volumes of information and data at our fingertips, so we have the opportunity to grow in knowledge and better our lives. However, at the same time, the information…

Are Some Diseases Really Incurable?

Many people today have been fooled into believing that many of the diseases we call lifestyle-related are incurable. They have been told by so many doctors that they would have to stay on medication and live with their diseases for the rest of their lives. In my view, I believe that many diseases, especially the lifestyle-related…

Eye Health: How To Protect Your Vision Naturally

The eye is the organ of the human body that is involved in sensing light to help produce vision. The eyes contain a vast amount of the sensory receptors found throughout the human body. These photoreceptors of the eye are responsible for taking the light signal and translating it into an electrical signal that is passed along the…

Diabetes: What You Can Do To Prevent or Treat It Naturally

According to the World Health Organization (WHO),1 in 2014, about 422 million people worldwide had diabetes, up from 108 million in 1980. In the U.S.A alone, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)2 reports that 29 million people are living with diabetes and 86 million living with prediabetes. Type II diabetes is the more common of the two…

Bone Health: Strengthen Your Bones The Right Way

There are about 206 bones in the adult human body. Bones give shape to the body, provide support and keep it upright. It also provides protection from injury for the organs of the body. For example, the skull protects the brain, the vertebral column (spine) protects the spinal cord, and the ribs provide protection for the heart…

Anemia: A serious condition, don’t ignore it!

A condition that results from a number of factors but the most common cause is low levels of red blood cells in the body. Red blood cells contain the iron pigment molecule called hemoglobin, which is responsible for the transport of oxygen throughout the body. Oxygen is used by all cells of the body for the production of…